Tools and Support

Below is a diagram outlining QI into 6 stages, aligned with some tools (signposted in links) that you may find helpful to aid your work. This is not an exhaustive list of tools, rather a starting point. There may be specific tools your hospital prefers, it is best to check first. Scroll to the bottom of the page for links to further support.

1 Identification of a quality issue
Stakeholder identification
Consider sustainability evaluation here

Stage 1: Identification of a quality issue


Stakeholder mapping & analysis (Source: ELFT)

NHS Sustainability model, PDF guide and Excel file (Source: Kent CT)

Alternative sustainability model - MUSIQ Excel file (Source: ELFT)

2 Understanding the current situation/problem
Stakeholder Analysis / Fishbone Diagram
Driver Diagram / Process Map

Stage 2: Understanding the current situation/problem


Stakeholder mapping & analysis (Source: ELFT)

Fishbone diagram (Source: ELFT)

Driver Diagrams (Source: ELFT)

Process mapping (Source: ELFT)

3 Measure for improvement
Run Charts / SPC Charts
Pareto Charts

Stage 3: Measure for improvement


Run Charts (Source: ELFT)

SPC Charts (Source: ELFT)

Pareto Charts (Source: ELFT)

4 Develop a strategy and change ideas
Driver Diagram / 5 Ways
Prioritisation Matrix (ease/impact)

Stage 4: Develop a strategy and change ideas


5 Whys (Source: Mind Tools)

Prioritisation Matrix Template (Source: Kent CT)

An example in Figure 11 of this Case Study (Source: ELFT)

5 Small scale testing
PDSA / Evaluation

Stage 5: Small scale testing


PDSA (Source: ELFT)

Template (Source: ELFT)

Stage 6: Sustain improvement


NHS Sustainability model, PDF guide and Excel file (Source: Kent CT)

6 Sustain improvement
Sustainability Model

Further QI Support

The NACEL team have collated a list of some of the available courses and communities. These are not associated with NACEL, but are examples of the resources available.